Diversity in Science

The lack of diversity in science is an important issue and it is our responsibility to educate ourselves about diversity issues in science, learn how to best combate discrimination, and work to promote equity and build an inclusive scientific community. I am always happy to talk about these and related issues and will actively work to keep the Josephs lab an inclusive and welcoming space. (The art above is Autobiography: The Search (Chrysalis/Mediation, Positive/Negative) by Howardena Pindell).

More info and ideas here:

Diversity in Stem: What It Is and Why It Matters

Resources for First Generation Graduate Students

Resource page from University of Toronto BREWS

African Americans in evolutionary science: where we have been and what’s next and related blog post: The brief history of African Americans in Evolutionary Biology, and why that is the case

An annotated bibliography I made on gender and the tenure-track job market

Resources on MSU campus

Office for Inclusion and Intercultural Initiatives
Office for International Students and Scholars
Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay, and Transgender Resource Center
Resource Center for Persons with Disabilities
Office of Cultural & Academic Transitions
MSU’s Anti-Discrimination Policy MSU Guidelines for Graduate Student Mentoring & Advising (credit to Marjorie Weber and Scott Taylor for resources and inspiration.)

Mental Health Resources

Graduate school and academic jobs can be difficult and, while we wish it were not the case, mental health issues are unfortunately common. It’s important for members of the academic community who are struggling to know that they are not alone. As an advisor, I strive to take the mental health of lab members seriously. Below are some further readings and resources.

Who to contact

What colleges must do to promote mental health for graduate students

MSU’s Couseling and Psychiatric Services

Blog post on graduate student mental health at UM

Computational Resources

Workflow for reproducible analyses in R + Rstudio from Susan Johnston

Rstudio cheat sheets

Unix command-line bootcamp

Writing Resources

The 5 pivotal paragraphs in a paper

Tell us your biological results!

The magical writing trick that’s right under our noses

Why You Procrastinate (It Has Nothing to do With Self-Control)

Ten Simple Rules for Better Figures

Fundamentals of Data Visualization

How to Write/Present Science - Baby, Werewolf, Silver Bullet

Other Resources

Population genetics notes from Graham Coop

Great interview series from the GSA on academic + non-academic career paths